Member-only story
Choose Love, Not X
A peace poem
When your profit model is based on time on-sight
A wounded baby online makes tons of money, right?
You rake your profit on children that bleed
On humanities division, you feed
The Israel — Palestine war is humanities ultimate choice
The deepest wound on earth
The pain monetized until we use our true voice
When greed bleeds death, there will be a new birth
The vampire of money must die
When we wake up from being used
By the big-tech social media sociopath lie
When we realize our attention has been abused
It is time to leave the beast
To starve the parasite
It's on binary thought it feeds
Choose love, not X
Will this be the last war, for there will be no more?
Then innocent blood isn’t spoiled in vain
Israel weaponizing their holocaust pain
An intervention must stop this and create peace at its core
It is time for humanity to stand up
Teacher, Leave those screens alone
Break through your…