Hi Dear Livia, thank you for reading and your reply
I think one answer is that millions are still numbed out in the predatory capitalist addiction-making consumer model. Especially in cities. It prevents them from feeling deeper, from connecting to others ( thus to themselves), since we live in this story of separation that is now pushed to the extreme and no longer true.
What's behind our current push of technology I call the technocrat trans-humanist vision on what it is to be human. This vision is currently imposed on society through technology and fear: The new normal. At the end of the day it is us, humans, that create the myth of our culture we want to live in. This always goes ground up, not imposed. and it will take some time. It should be based on love, wisdom and responsible stewardship. On giving back.
My gist is that the most fervent trans-humanists and technocrats have deep wounds that they cant feel or even approach, so they want to run away from being human, its a flight reaction. ( from trauma, you fight, flight or freeze as a survival pattern). That's why they think Mars is a better place to live.
Now they've inflicted their wounds further on humanity with their bizarre New Normal that created collective social and personal trauma. And still is. Our society is based on lies, since we simply cant be real with ourselves. Its sad, but its what it is at the moment. I do have hope.
People need to move out of the victim or abused position and we need to come up with our own plan, our own Great Reset, that is close to our values. Local. Ground Up.
Since a reform is needed, systems need to die, and a new renaissance will happen. A new trust needs to be settled, a new consensus on what is true, what is real. what is close to our hearts.
We just entered the dark night of the collective soul, that will push us to become real with our shadow and pain, with each other. to embrace the pain, accept it, and transform it.