Why it’s not Helpful to Write About Covid From Fear

Write about a beautiful, positive, empowered world instead

Lucien Lecarme
3 min readMay 19, 2020

Writing about Covid19 feels to me like writing about a carton of milk that I left in the fridge too long and now greenish mould appears around the opening. In fact, covid19 is kind of mould in itself.

How long you can milk out a subject?

I guess the answer is the period when it brings value and is relevant? The next question is who decides that? Well, you do, as a creator, as a writer.

I mean, really, who loves to read about mould for about almost 3 months daily now. Do you?

I don’t think its healthy, and I don’t mean covid.

I’ll come back to why it is actually healthy to not write about covid19 for yourself and others in a sec.

But eventually, it is what readers want to read. They are sick of covid, well, I am. Not literally, but I actually can’t see the word anymore without my energy levels dropping in an instant and my heart going into a freeze.

And here I get to the core of the matter.

Covid has become the media bogey man.

It has scared the hell out of people and still does. It scared me in the beginning. I thought I had the…



Lucien Lecarme

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