Member-only story
Is Sophisticated Spiritual Bullshit Misleading You?
What living in a community taught me about being real
Spirituality isn’t a ‘trend’. Becoming spiritual isn’t about gaining a new personality, getting a new vocabulary or wardrobe, buying crystals or doing yoga. It’s about returning to our natural state — Unknown Author
I woke up at 04.30 AM after another night of light troubled sleep and started contemplating to leave the community I am living in at the moment.
Some idealistic feelings and desires for safety and family had driven me in the arms of this experiment to co-create a heart & mind coherent, safe and ‘spiritual’ family.
One month later, I feel exhausted as if an energetic truck has run me over.
What the flower power happened?
Making sense of it all this early morning, I realized nobody I shared my living space with for the last weeks has a clear idea of what ‘Spirituality’ really is, or ‘Community’. I had surrendered myself to an idea, a concept.
The common denominator for people in most communities is an urgent need for belonging. To feel at home in an increasingly…