Member-only story
My Life and Work are Moving Into a New Direction
This is about the new value I love to bring
I’m preparing my coming out on the web.
It's exciting, and at the same time, I’m afraid, anxious and a bit nervous
I will start using all my social media for this ‘campaign.’
No, it’s not about making more money, selling more courses, getting more followers.
It's about where I feel I can bring the most value right now. It is an expression where I am at in my life, combined with ambition, skills and passion.
I love to share that process with you.
I’m 55.
It’s time to bring all my experience, wisdom and skills to the table. And it will be directed towards a single topics, for a single group of people.
Getting curious already?
How did I get here?
As you probably noticed, I was pretty absent on this platform for the last weeks and even months.
You might have already completely forgotten about me.
I moved part of my writing to Substack. There, it’s all about sensemaking. I feel freer to express my uncensored thoughts there. I get nice feedback, and the community is growing.