Quick response
- what about the team of brilliant and intellectual heroes that have endorsed him, are they all lunatics and anti-human as you describe Trump, or just that stupid ? Don't think so.
- Second, sorry to say, but you suffer from Trump derangement syndrom. You're not to blame, you respond to a perception you have of Trump, since you never met the man in person.. so how can you know how he's like ? its all mind fuck and collective hypnosis by an apparatus that doesn't want Trump to win, since he's actually a threat to this elite, that does not, I repeat, has not your interest at heart, nor 'democracy'.
- third, you fall in the trap of believing you're on a moral correct or higher ground, so bashing Trump is the only thing you need to do to confirm that any other opponent, like harris, is better for the US, since its not Trump. Even when her 'vision' and solutions to real problems is an empty maw
That's irrational, naive and dangerous.
You might react to this with rage and hate, which is more proof that you fell in the derangement trap... you might be able to look at this objectively and mirror some of your writing back to yourself... since all the judgements we make about others tells more about ourselves.
Still, I feel compassion, and we need to reach over the division that dark entities have created to forever rule over us.
So over this illusionary division, I shake your hand as a fellow human whatever your opinions are.