Thank you for writing this Lin. This piece permiates the wisdom and distance we need to take from burning polarizing topics. Sometimes it feels if groups inside humanity are being played out against eachother, with social media playing a crucial role. Polarization, hate and other shocking stuff for our system only increases time on sight on our little screens that are silently replacing religion and something to live for. Fear narrows down, creates tunnel vision, and our digital anxiety ( overload of images and info) creates a constant fight or flight response. The collective responses on Djokocvic and more recent Joe Rogan can be explained by understanding that for one specific ingroup, these people, but more even their thoughs or actions, symbolize a huge threat to that ingroup. The same as one remark of Trudeau symbolizes a huge threat for millions of other groups that are framed in another way. The root cause is this ever present fear, now played out with Ukraine. Somehow the idea is that we need to be kept in this constant fear moduc operandi, The enemy doesnt really matter, and you will see this enemy change over time. Its time to wake up folks, not by making eachother wrong for still sleeping and being vulnerable for this fear, No, by simply pulling eachother our of this fear swamp that is, at the end of the day, pure illusion and clever perception management. We are alll one in the eye of our creator. That is the most absolute truth.