Member-only story
Together we Thrive Versus a Sterile Society
Corona crisis is the climax of these 4 trends in our Western culture
We seem to be pushed, slowly but surely, towards a sterile 1.5M distance society. Mainstream media outlets are very cleverly introducing new words and concepts on an almost weekly basis that are supposed to be part of a so-called new normal.
Behind all of it lies, obviously, the fear for a virus. The question weather the mass fear is the real virus, I’ll leave up to you.
New social norms only work when there is a broad consensus in society around new values, around new rules and around new agreements.
My personal problem with the 1,5-meter society is that it is opposed.
It wasn’t part of any program in any election in any country. I didn’t see any referendum about it, nor did it came about from a natural, organic movement in society that suddenly felt the need for social distancing.
On the contrary. Human beings are, by nature, herd beings. We love to come together and celebrate cultural and sporting events, staying close to each other. To dissolve in the masses of a concert or festival is a magical experience where everybody is allowed access to a collective field and to transcend their ego’s for a brief moment of ecstasy.