Wow, what a hate fest this article
Interesting that people like this actor blame Trump of being a non-human, which apparently gives them the space to openly become so disrespectful I need to whipe the dirt from my eyes
There are hardly to none pro-Trump articles on Medium, which makes this platform the next propaganda outlet
Its stunning to see that this author, and many others, put themselves on a higher moral ground, and then start cursing and name calling and hating like Trump is the devil
I guess they all bought into the ‘he’s a threat to democracy ‘ brainwash by MSM and parrot this, without any serious politcal analyses
Since they feel they’re on the right side, so then they can all do what they blame Trump for
All projection
When you like a one party dictatorship, why not go living in some banana republic led by a real dictator that you can cheer with your hate fest, untill you realize you lost all your freedoms and you have been used by a elite that has no, really none interest in serving you, the voter.
Why not quit this show, poison the non human Trump, so you can all go to sleep peacefully without any consious regret you just killed democracy.
As much as you detest a man, what he might have done or said, he’a still a human with a family, and he has millions of voters behind him, and he never started a war during his term
You have fallen prey to dividing mechanisms put in place by an elite that has no interest in you what so ever, the same elite Trump likes to unveil, since they’re against you, and your nation ..
Everybody hating and parroting their narratives are feeding this beast, with their low vibe energy, and are in fact complicit to the end of democracy and a once great nation of freedom and dreams for the common man or woman.